The Life, Death and Adventures of Chris Allen

Monday, July 04, 2005

I Love Everything About You That Hurts...

Okay, it's been almost a year since I started this blog and wrote a second post. I was just letting the announcement of my blogspot debut to sink in for a while. That's why I haven't written anything yet. I think the excitement has died down a bit and I can start using this as opposed to that thing. Everyone has a livejournal, so I'm gonna shock the community by having a blog!

I just watched 'Closer' today. Great movie. Really, really great. The acting in it is superb. It really got me frusterated and irratated at the end of it. Most of the characters were incredibly unsympathetic, but because they were flawed and human I could connect with them a lot more than most films. Natalie Portman, as usual, is lovely. I want to marry her when I grow up (I'm months away from being legally able to drink, does that count as grown up? Or was it when I was able to smoke, buy porn and fight in a war?) I'll probably never be grown up. So I'll never get to marry Natalie Portman. It's a sad life I lead. Maybe I can marry Julie Delpy, she's a bit too old though.

Tomorrow I am starting orientation at McDonalds. I know what you're thinking. You're thinking; But Chris, why would you go and work for the most evil company in the world? And the answer to your question is; Because nobody wants to work for the most evil company in the world, which is why they're the only company in mid-summer still hiring. I'm going to smell very bad every day for the rest of the summer.

I'm spending my fourth of July not on a beach with friends or watching fireworks with family but in a place I can't call home eating lots of chocolate mini-donuts and pizza and watching movies I've already seen (save for 'Cannibal The Musical!'). I want to mow the lawn.

Band of the Week: Coldplay
Song of the Week: "Existentialism on Prom Night" - Straylight Run
Movie of the Week: War of the Worlds
Book of the Week: Slaughterhouse-Five


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